Pizza Lunch

We are now able to order Pizza Lunch online through the “munchalunch” programme. It can be found on our Highroad Academy website in the “My Highroad” section. Pizza lunches will be on Tuesdays starting next week.  If you decide to order a slice of pizza for your child, please be sure to also send a snack for them to eat at recess time.  Thanks!



Fresh Grade

What a great start to the school year it has been!  We are already learning lots and are settling into the routines of our new classroom.  I try to take pictures throughout the week so that you can have a glimpse into our days at school.  I post most of these on Fresh Grade.  Please make sure you have responded to my Fresh Grade invite (sent on September 6) to be sure that you get notified when I post new photos of your children.

I have gotten comments from many of you through the Fresh Grade app.  Thank you!  It is nice to hear from you and to know that you are seeing what is being posted there.