Thank You!

Please check your child’s backpack for their final report card.  Inside the envelope you will also find a yellow summer learning calendar with some suggested activities to do throughout the summer.  I would encourage you to consider including some of these simple tasks into your summer schedule, along with lots of play and rest – it is well-deserved!

I wanted to say a big thank you for all of the lovely cards, flowers, gifts, and sentiments expressed to me in the last weeks of school.  I feel so very blessed.  Thank you also for entrusting your child to me this past year, as their teacher.  Each one is so precious and I will always have a special place in my heart for them!


Have a wonderful summer!

Back to School BBQ

We will be having a back-to-school BBQ on Wednesday, September 4th from 5:00-7:30pm.  We will have a meet and greet time with teachers in the classrooms to start and end up outdoors with lots of food and fun.  Please mark it on your calendars. We hope everyone can join us!


I have stacked our completed duotangs on top of the Kindie lockers.  These are now ready to go home!   Feel free to collect your child’s items at the start or end of the day.  Remember we are ending our day today at 11:30. See you soon!

Bag of Hard Work

This upcoming week your child will be coming home with a bag full of duotangs and other bits and pieces of their Kindie year.  Please take some time in the next few days to sit down with them and let them show you their work.  They should all be very proud of their effort and how much they learned this year!

That said, could you please send a plastic or cloth bag to school with your child early in the next couple of days?


Fun Day

This Friday is our Primary Fun Day.  Students are welcome to come to school wearing Knight wear or play clothes and shoes that make running and playing safe and easy. Please send your child with a water bottle and a recess snack.  Just a reminder that we will be dismissing for the day at 11:30. Continue reading »

2 Reminders for Monday

I hope you’ve been enjoying this beautiful weekend. It feels like summer already!

I just wanted to remind you that the Kindies will be having a teddy bear picnic in the garden so please have them bring a favourite tedddy (or any other stuffy) to school on Monday.

Also, if you haven’t already,  please send a baby photo to school by Tuesday at the latest.


Plants and Butterflies

Your child came home yesterday with a plant,  a zinnia that we grew from seed in our classroom.  Zinnias like the sun so if you have a sunny spot in your garden it would be very happy there!

You may have already heard that we’ve had some excitement in our classroom these last two days.  Five of our butterflies have emerged from their chrysalises.  (I was beginning to worry.  This batch has had a few issues!)

 Sadly, one was not properly developed and did not make it but the other four seem to be happy and healthy.  Feel free to come in and see them if you’d like.  We will be releasing them next week when the weather improves.

June Dates

I can hardly believe that it’s almost June already!  This month ahead is full of fun.  Here are some dates to mark on your calendar:


Monday, June 10 – Kindie Teddy Bear Picnic (more information to come)

Tuesday, June 11 – Baby Photo – Could you please send in a baby photo of your child by this date?  Please send it concealed.  We will be guessing who is who as part of our “Look How We’ve Grown” year end discussions.

Friday, June 14 – Primary Fun Day (11:30 dismissal)

Note: Part time Kindies are invited to join us for this fun event.

Tuesday, June 18 – Kindie year end field trip (more information to come)

Wednesday, June 19 – Last day of school for Kindergarten students and our last Welcome Wednesday

Note: Please plan to be here if you can.  We will take a few minutes at the end to celebrate each one of our students on their last day of Kindergarten!

Pokémon Cards

We’d like to ask that Pokemon cards be kept at home to prevent distractions and disruptions in the classroom and on the playground. Thank you for your support in creating a conducive learning environment