Parent Teacher Interviews

Our Parent Teacher interviews are coming up on Friday, November 26th.  I am looking forward to meeting with you to chat about your amazing child!  Please click on the link below to sign up for either an in-person or online meeting.  Please note, I will be adding 3 interview slots:

9-9:15 (spoken for)



Please email me if you are interested in these times.  I will update here.


If you are unable to meet on November 26th, please email me so we can figure out a different time that fits your schedule.

Family Theme

Our theme for the months of November and December is Families.  We have been talking about how our families are similar and different from each other and will be discussing the different roles and responsibilities within our families.  Next month we will talk about our family traditions.

To help us learn more about each family represented in our classroom I will be sending home some “homework.”  The first of these papers will come home in your child’s folder this week.  Please help your child think of something your family enjoys doing together and have your child draw a picture of it using at least 5 different colours.  Please record what the activity is (example: going for a walk, playing a game together) and send it back to school.

I am looking forward to learning more about each of our families in the weeks to come!