A Few Holiday Details

Sorry to intrude into your holiday.  I just have a few things to say and I will be quick!

  • If you haven’t completed the family homework pages, please try to do so over the holidays.  I saved the grandparent interview for last.  Hopefully, the questions will lead to some interesting conversations with family members about what life was like when they were young.
  • You might be wondering why your child came home with a green painted plate.  It was part of a group project.  Each child mixed yellow and blue to make green paint them painted their plate and added sprinkles.  Then we put all the plates together to make a giant Christmas tree.  Here is a picture of it when it was almost done:
  • As I was putting away our classroom Christmas materials I noticed that two of the felt gingerbread cookies from the house centre were missing.  I searched high and low and couldn’t find them anywhere so I thought I’d send a picture of them in case they turn up at your home.  They were the heart shaped cookies.  I would love to have them back.

  • Finally, I wanted to wish you and your family a  wonderful Christmas holiday!  I pray it will be a meaningful time together filled with fun and…relaxation for all!
  • I will leave you with a picture of a craft we made, one that reminds of the reason we celebrate this Christmas season:

The Best Part of Christmas

Christmas is such an exciting time of the year with all the decorations, yummy food, and presents to enjoy.  Even though these things are wonderful, our class has been remembering that the very best part of Christmas is the birth of Jesus.   It was part of God’s great plan to save us from our sins – how awesome is that!

Today we got out some dress up clothes and the children enjoyed acting out the story of Jesus’ birth. I think my favourite “character” was the star that led the way to Bethlehem saying “follow me” as everyone paraded around the classroom!



Candy Cane Hunt

Today in Math we had a fun candy cane hunt in our classroom.

Each candy cane was numbered.  After we found them all we ordered them from 1-30.

We had so much fun doing this simple activity and worked on some great Math skills too!


Gingerbread Hunt

Today our class went on a very exciting gingerbread hunt through our school.  We followed clues that led us to the gym, the office, the music room, the resource room and eventually our classroom.

Once we got to our classroom we discovered a treat – gingerbread cookies to decorate!  We sure had fun!

4×6 Family Photo

Thank you so much for helping your child with their homework pages.  We are enjoying learning about each other’s families and especially love to share about our own!  To celebrate the diversity and uniqueness of our families I would love to create a display of our family photos and I’m asking that each child bring in a 4×6 copy.  I know you are all so busy getting ready for Christmas so no worries if you need a bit of time to make that happen.  I’d love to have all photos on display by early January.  Thanks so much!

December Dates

Here we are in the month of December already!  Our classroom has been decorated and the Christmas crafting has begun.  We are learning about God’s great gift of Jesus, the very best thing about this Christmas season!


Here are some important dates for the month ahead:

December 1 – Salvation Army Food Drive Begins.  Please see the previous blog post and/or school emails for further information on this opportunity to provide for those less fortunate in our community.

December 15 – Christmas Sweater Dress Up Day + Filming of K-3 Christmas concert

See note below from Mrs. Shinness, our music teacher and for information on what our Kindies will be performing for the concert in case you’d like to practise at home.

December 17 – Last half day of school before Christmas holidays begin.  We will be dismissing at 11:30 AM


A note from Mrs. Shinness:

Wednesday Dec. 15 is Christmas Sweater Day at Highroad.  This is perfect for our annual Christmas Concert performance.  Many students have asked, “But what if I don’t have a Christmas sweater?”.  Good question.  Here are the options for the Christmas concert:

  1. a long-sleeved Christmas themed Tshirt, sweatshirt or sweater
  2. a long-sleeved plain T-shirt, sweatshirt or sweater
  3. a long-sleeved Tshirt, sweatshirt or sweater turned inside out, if there is a design that doesn’t fit our Christmas theme.

Any choice of jeans or dark pants/skirts are preferable to complete the students’ ensemble.


NOTE: we hope that every student has one of these options, as we would like to avoid having one or two students stand out from the class because they are wearing their uniform for this concert.


Kindergarten Selection:

Hush, Shhh There a Baby


words match video:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_5EmgGbO6vA

actions match video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=toQoB9rN74A


verse 1:

Hush! SHHH! There’s a baby,

Ooh!  Aaah! In the manger

Hush! SHHH! Baby Jesus,

Ooh!  Aaah! there’s a danger

that we’ll wake this sleepy boy

he’s such Good News we jump with joy



We want to Sing! with the Angels, heavenly sound!

Shout! with the shepherds:

tell what we’ve found,

Worship with the wise men bow right down!

Jesus is born and he’s such Good News (repeat)


repeat verse 1:

repeat chorus: 2 times


We want to shout and sing and worship the king! (3 times)

Jesus is born and he’s such Good News (repeat)

We want to …Shhhhh