Songs from Kindergarten

Dear families,

some of you have asked for some songs that we sing in kindergarten. Mrs. Caswell is putting some together for us and in the meantime here is a link to Let Your Light Shine and the Blessing song we sing usually at the end of the day.

Happy singing

Wednesday links for you

Dear families,

With several of you I got to connect via the video call already, and it truly is a highlight of my day to see your smiling faces.

As mentioned on the weekly schedule, I’m adding a subitizing video for your child to participate in. We often use these cards during carpet time.

Here is also a you tube link with a more energetic version of a subitize rap with Jack Hartmann

If the card making suggestion is something you want to tackle, here is a short video of me doing an example of a flower card:

I’ve seen some beautiful resurrection gardens you made with your kids! And I’m happy to share some pictures here as well, just send them my way.

Have a great Wednesday with your family.