Home Routine

We are trying to find a good system for collecting and bringing home all of our belongings at the end of the day.  Today we have packed our backpacks and changed our shoes BUT we have left our backpacks and coats in our lockers.  This will hopefully free up little hands for great badges at the end of the day and will help our classroom stay a little more organized until going home time.

Missing Uniform Pants!

I seem to be missing a couple of pairs of uniform pants/shorts that I like to keep on hand for “emergencies”.  If I lent a pair to your child in the last while and you happen to still have them at home would mind returning them to class in the next few days?  Thanks so much!

A New School Policy

Birthdays are a fun way for students to get together and celebrate with their friends. As teachers, we understand that you may not be able to include all of the students in the class. However, this is very difficult for those children who are excluded, especially as they see other students receiving invitations. From this point on, it will be Highroad Academy’s procedure to not hand out birthday invitations at school unless all students are included. Thank you so much for your understanding.