This Week

Mrs. Ellis and I were so proud of how well each of the Kindies did on their first half day!  I hope they came home with happy tales to tell you.  Thank you for being so efficient in dropping them off and punctual in picking them up at noon.  We are off to a great start!

I realized after the children had gone home that I hadn’t mentioned (for the full time Kindies) that Thursdays are Mrs. Ellis’ teaching day.  Maybe you have already discussed this with your child.  If not, a quick reminder on the way to school should ensure that no one is thrown off by the change.  Mrs. Ellis spent the morning with us today so the children will be familiar with her.

Fridays at Highroad are Knight days.  This means that students can wear a knight shirt with casual bottoms instead of their uniform.   Each year our new Kindie students are provided with a free knight shirt.  Mrs. Ellis will send one home with the full time Kindies on Thursday.  Part time Kindies will receive theirs next week. Of course, part time Kindies won’t be at school on Fridays.  We will plan some special Knight days of our own as the year goes on!

Looking forward to a great year with this awesome group of Kindies!

One thought on “This Week

  1. Thanks Mrs. Morris and Mrs. Ellis for yesterday successful first day! Daniel was happily told me that he made a new friend Noah! I was so thrilled that he could made new friend on his very first day school! How awesome! And even he remembered his new friend and prayed for his healthy in our evening family prayer time! What a wonderful start! Praise the Lord and pray for everyone in school safety and healthy!

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