End of Day Pick Up Routine

Dismissing students outside of the building is a new experience and there has been a learning curve for sure!

Beginning tomorrow, the Kindie classes will have a new spot.  It will be on the same side of the building but further down, closer the corner on the east side.

Once we arrive outside (as close to 2:55 as possible) I am asking the children to

  1. sit down on the curb
  2. put their hand up if they see their adult
  3. point to their adult to show me who it is
  4. at this point, I will release them

If an older sibling or grandparent is picking up, please make sure they understand the routine.  I would be very worried if a student disappeared without me knowing that they were safely picked up.  Thanks so much for your understanding!

Memory Verses

This year in Kindergarten we will be memorizing bible verses, one for each letter of the alphabet.  Today I sent home a copy of the Aa verse in your child’s folder.  Would you, please, find a spot to collect these verses, maybe in a special binder or box?  We will review the verse of the week at school each day and will learn some actions to go along with it.  Can you also review it at home with them?  On the first day of each week your child will be asked to say it from memory to me or a helper.  I pray that the truth of God’s word will be planted deep into the heart of each boy and girl this year through this simple routine!

This week’s verse is “All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” Romans 3:23 (Note: Your child does not need to memorize the reference)


Picture Day

Just a quick reminder that tomorrow is picture day!  Please dress your child in their uniform.

Our class is scheduled first thing, 9 a.m.

If your child is a part time Kindie you may bring them a bit earlier to have their photo done – 8:45.  Come with your child to the office and you’ll be directed where to go.


Your little ones are looking so cute in their uniforms these days!  Thank you for the investment you’ve made in purchasing Neat Uniform pieces.

I would like to take a minute to discuss shoes and socks.  I have noticed quite a variety coming to Kindergarten these past few days and want to make sure that we are all on the same page.

Our uniform policy states that shoes need to be black or white or a combination of black and white.  Solid black ankle boots with a flat or low heel are also permitted.    Socks should be solid black, white, or navy ankle or knee-high (or tights/leggings for girls).  Thank you for making sure that your child is wearing the proper uniform pieces each day.

If you’d like to review the uniform policy please click on the link below.






Upcoming Dates

Here are some dates to  mark in your calendar:

Friday, September 18 – Individual Student Photos (Students must wear their uniforms + a smile!)

This one is tricky for 2 reasons.  First of all, it falls on a Friday which is a day that our part time Kindies are not normally at school.  Unfortunately, this is the date that was set up for our school.  If your child is a part time Kindie you have two options.

  1. You can bring them (in their uniform) first thing on Friday and stay until their picture is taken.  Kindergarten is always one of the first classes called.
  2. You can bring them (in their uniform) first thing on picture retake day, Thursday, October 15th.

It’s also tricky since children would usually come to school in their Knights t-shirts on a Friday.  So, this Friday will be an exception.

Please send your child to school in their uniform this Friday.

Wednesday, September – Toonies for Terry

We will talk a little about an inspirational Canadian figure, Terry Fox, who can teach us a lot about overcoming hardships.  We will also do a short run around the gym in memory of the marathon he ran across Canada.  Please feel free to send a toonie with your child in their home folder if you would like to donate to his cause.

Friday, September 25 – Knights Day

Monday, September 28 – Professional Development Day (no school)

Wednesday, September 30 – Orange Shirt Day

Children have the option to wear casual bottoms and an orange top on this day.  If you don’t have an orange shirt, you can send your child in their uniform.  In our classroom we will focus on the idea that every child matters and should feel safe and cared for in their school community.



Our First Week


I hope you enjoyed this little glimpse into our first week of Kindergarten.  We had a lot of fun and are learning about being a member of our classroom and school community.  Can’t wait for week two!

(Sorry for the sideways photos.  I will hopefully get that figured out  for next time!)

This Week

Mrs. Ellis and I were so proud of how well each of the Kindies did on their first half day!  I hope they came home with happy tales to tell you.  Thank you for being so efficient in dropping them off and punctual in picking them up at noon.  We are off to a great start!

I realized after the children had gone home that I hadn’t mentioned (for the full time Kindies) that Thursdays are Mrs. Ellis’ teaching day.  Maybe you have already discussed this with your child.  If not, a quick reminder on the way to school should ensure that no one is thrown off by the change.  Mrs. Ellis spent the morning with us today so the children will be familiar with her.

Fridays at Highroad are Knight days.  This means that students can wear a knight shirt with casual bottoms instead of their uniform.   Each year our new Kindie students are provided with a free knight shirt.  Mrs. Ellis will send one home with the full time Kindies on Thursday.  Part time Kindies will receive theirs next week. Of course, part time Kindies won’t be at school on Fridays.  We will plan some special Knight days of our own as the year goes on!

Looking forward to a great year with this awesome group of Kindies!

First Day!

Our first day of Kindergarten is finally here!  Mrs. Ellis and I are looking forward to meeting each of our new Kindie students in the morning!  Remember tomorrow students will come with one adult, either from 9-9:45, 10-10:45, or 11-11:45.  Children are welcome to explore the classroom and some play areas will be open.  In order that we don’t end up with everything pulled off of the shelves, I have marked a few areas with “caution tape” indicating those things should not be touched.  Thanks for supervising your children during their visit.  It’s going to be a great year.  Let’s get it started!