Hello Parents,
Before we jump into our second last school week prior the Christmas holiday, I want to give you a quick update on the happenings in the ptk class.
Tomorrow, Monday December 9th, we are going on the field trip to the Wayland gymnastics. Our class will leave with the bus right away at 9:05. First thing in the morning, your child can come into the classroom with the jacket on. Please still put their backpacks into the locker as we come back to school for snack time. Kids wear play clothes for the day. In the gymnastics kids are required to participate bare foot, so please no tights on these cute feet! If your child wants to wear the new Knight shirt, this is an option but is not required.
You had a paper in the folder for sharing one or more of your family holiday traditions. We will take time this week to share with the class once the form comes back to school. I will share some of my Swiss traditions as well and will bring some goodies to taste.
A big thank you for your generosity towards our school’s food drive! We had the first filled boxes taken from our room and it was also a good way to introduce tallying.
And just in case you have’t marked your calendar yet, please do so with the extra dress rehearsal on Thursday, Dec. 19th from 9:15-10:15 and Christmas concert that same day (kids have to be in class at 12:30, concert is from 1-2ish)
Thanks for reading all the way, now enjoy some pictures and we will see you tomorrow.
Mrs. Ellis