Show and Tell

We are ready to start a new round of special helpers so will begin at the beginning of the alphabet again.  Everyone will get at least one more turn before the end of the school year.  Please note that we will no longer be doing show and tell as part of our special helper day.  This will give us a wee bit of extra time in our morning for other important things.  “Goodbye, show and tell, you were fun!”

A Few Things to Know

Here are a few unrelated but important bits of information you should know:

  1.  Mrs. Caswell has requested that each child in Kindergarten bring in a family photo.  It will be used in a slideshow presentation during our upcoming Spring Sing event on Monday, May 27 at 6:30.  You can send it to school in your child’s home folder by early next week, please.  She would love it if it showed your family doing something fun together.
  2.  There has been some interest in other languages spoken at home.  We would love to learn to say “hello” and “goodbye” in as many languages as possible!  If your family speaks another language can you help your child learn these two words, print them out on a piece of paper, and send them to school in your child’s home folder?  That would be so wonderful!
  3. Because of our busy schedule this Wednesday (First Nations Day) we will be eating our snack outside instead of in our classroom.  Please send along a snack that can easily be transported and eaten outside (no containers, please).