Pumpkin Patch Parent Help

An orange pumpkin patch fieldtrip permission form came home today in your child’s folder.  Please fill it out and return it as soon as you are able.

I am looking for several parents to supervise a small group of children at the Corn Maze.  If you wouldn’t mind to help in this way please let me know.  Thanks!

Little Readers


In our Kindie class we have been talking about three ways to read a book:

1.  Read the pictures.

2.  Read the words.

3.  Retell the story.

Each day we have “Read to Self” time where we take our very own basket of books, go to our reading spot, and practice our reading stamina.  You’re going to be very proud to know that, so far, we are able to stay focussed for  7 1/2 minutes!  We are looking forward to a movie with popcorn when we can read for 15 minutes!  Btw, you may start hearing your child talking about going “book shopping.”  Don’t worry.  I haven’t taken them to the mall!  When the boys and girls start to get tired of the books in their baskets they may choose new books from our class library.  That way the interest level stays high.  I’m really proud of the efforts I’ve seen so far from these young readers!