Bb Verse

On Tuesday I will ask each boy and girl to say their Aa memory verse (All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God – Romans 3:23) to me.

We will be starting to learn our new verse this week:

Acts 16:31 – Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved.

Important Dates in October

Here are some important dates for October:

October 6 – After school Clubs 3:15-4:15 “Thanksgiving” theme
October 8 – Interim reports go home
October 13 – Pumpkin Patch Fieldtrip
October 15 – Photo retakes
October 28 – Knight Day
October 29 – Fall Dress Up

Stay tuned for the details!

Toonies for Terry

This Wednesday is also our annual Toonies for Terry event at our school.  Kindie students are encouraged to bring a toonie donation and will participate  in a short run around the soccer field at some point in the day.  All funds raised will go towards cancer research.

Knight Day

This Wednesday, September 30th, will be our first Knight Day at Highroad.  Students have the option of wearing jeans and a Knights shirt if they like. This is an optional activity and students are free to wear their uniforms if they prefer.  Knight shirts will be available for purchase for $10 in the school lobby this week on Tuesday after school and Wednesday morning.

Go Knights!