Cookie Decorating

On December 6 we are going to be decorating gingerbread men cookies.  Mrs Dumont, our wonderful High School foods teacher, is making cookies and prepping icing for us.  Would any of you be willing to send in some small candies or sprinkles so we can decorate them?  You can email me or reply to this post if you are able to send something in for us all to use.

Thanks so much!

Countdown to Christmas

The children have been working on a Christmas countdown craft that will be coming home this week.  It is a star with 24 links.  Starting on the night of December 1st have your child remove one link and enjoy counting down the days until Christmas!  It’ll be here before we know it!

December Dates

How is it nearly December already?

Here are some important dates for your calendar:


Friday, Dec 1- noon dismissal

Friday, Dec 8- report cards go home

Friday, Dec 15- grades 4-12 Christmas Concert @ 1:30

Thursday, Dec 21- last day of school- Primary Christmas Concert @ 9:30 am (dismissal after the concert is done)

Monday, Jan. 8- Return to School



Learning How to Say “I’m Sorry”

We have been learning how to appropriately apologize and repair with someone we have hurt. In
our classroom, an apology consists of three steps (see below).
3 Steps:
1. First, say: “I’m sorry … (e.g., for taking your toys without asking).”
2. Second, say: “It was wrong because … (e.g., it hurt your feelings and they aren’t my toys).”
3. Third, say: “Next time I will … (e.g., ask if I can use your things before I take them).”

When applicable, please encourage your child to use these three steps at home with their siblings,
parents, cousins, or friends when they need to apologize for their actions. This will help them to take
ownership of their actions, understand how their behavior affects others, and learn what to do differently
next time. Thank you for your continued support!


I want to thank you all for making time in your busy schedules to meet with me last week.  It was so great to connect with you and get to chat about your child’s learning and growth!  I’m so proud of each one!

I promised some of you that I would post the names of some apps that you can use at home for extra practice.  So here they are…

For learning phonogram sounds: Phonograms by SEI or iPhonogram

For working on printing skills: Little Writer

These aren’t the fanciest of apps but they do line up quite well with the programs we use at Highroad.

We are currently working on a-z (knowing the sounds and printing the letter) and 1-10.

We really appreciate your home support.  Thank you so much!

Zip Up Mix Up

A navy zip up hoodie has gone missing.  It is labelled “Jean Luc.”  Could you check your child’s label to make sure that they came home with the correct one.

If you haven’t already done so, please make sure that your child’s uniform pieces are labelled.  It makes keeping track so much easier!

Welcome Wednesdays

On Wednesday mornings starting next week  we would like to welcome you to stay for a few minutes (10-15) if your schedule allows, for some reading time with your child and possibly a few extra friends.  I am excited for this opportunity to open our classroom door to parents and grandparents and hope that it will be a fun way to start the day.  Younger siblings are welcome join along.  You must have a completed criminal record check and will need to sign in at the office upon arrival.  We hope to see you there!