Tuesday’s Lunch

We will not be bringing our lunches on our field trip.  We will eat before and after.  If you have ordered a slice of pizza for your child they will get to eat it after we return from our field trip.  Please send along some other snacks to eat before we leave.  We will have an early lunch before we leave and will eat the remainder of our lunch when we return.

Important Fieldtrip Information

Tuesday is a busy day for us in Kindergarten.  It is photo retake day AND our field trip to Greendale Acres.  PLEASE NOTE, if you would like your child to have school photos taken tomorrow they MUST be in their uniform.  In order for this to happen and still have your child ready in play clothes for our field trip, we are asking you to take your child to get their photo retakes done first thing in the morning (8:50) in their uniform and then help them change into play clothes after for our field trip.  If your child is not in their uniform, their photos will not be taken.  If your child does not require photo retakes, please just send your child to school in play clothes.

It also looks like rain is in the forecast for tomorrow.  Please make sure your child is dressed for the weather (boots, rain jacket etc) and consider sending dry clothes for them to put on after if they are able to do this independently.  Please also send along a plastic bag (or reusable shopping bag) with your child’s name on it so they can put their pumpkin in it after they have selected it.  If you can help stuff this into their jacket pocket, that would be great!

Our time at Greendale Acres begins at 11:30.  Any parents joining us can meet us there.  Remember you must have a completed criminal records check filed at the school office in order to attend this fieldtrip.

I am looking forward to a fun day of pumpkin learning and fun!