A Few First Week Details

Here are a few details to keep in mind for the week ahead:

Wednesday, September 7 (1/2 day)

Please make sure to send a snack, a pair of gym shoes (labelled), a box of kleenex, and a water bottle labelled with your child’s name.  Your child will also need a small pillow starting the third week of school.

When you arrive have your child hang up their backpack inside their locker.  Any of the above listed items can be placed there as well.

The classroom door will open at 8:5o am.

Please come in with your child and help them with the following tasks:

  • finding and moving their name on our attendance board
  • finding their table spot
  • putting on their nametag
  • getting started on their table activity

Feel free to take a picture if you’d like, and give your child a big hug, telling them you’ll be back at 12 to pick them up.

Note: There might be some tears.  If this happens with your child don’t feel badly about leaving them.  I will happily console them and have always found that children settle much more quickly once mom or dad has left.

We will soon be playing and having a great time with our new Kindie friends!

At noon please come into the school and stand outside our classroom door.  I will call your child to be dismissed when I see you there.

your child will be bringing their home folder  home with them.  There will be a note inside explaining its function more fully.

Knight Days

Every Friday at Highroad students have the opportunity to wear Knight wear if they’d like instead of their uniform.  This year the office has gifted each Kindie student a hoodie and a t shirt.  I will be sending each Kindie home with a t shirt on Wednesday.  Please label these items with your child’s name so that it can be returned to you if lost.

Since part-time Kindies do not attend on Fridays they won’t be able to participate in Knight days.  There will be other special dress up days for them to enjoy.  We try to plan those on Wednesdays so that the part timers are included.


Our information shows that there are no food allergies in our classroom.  Please let me know if that is not the case.  Otherwise, you are welcome to send food containing nuts.


If you have any questions or concerns feel free to email me at dmorris@highroadacademy.com and I will get back to you as soon as I can.

See you tomorrow!

Mrs. Morris


2 thoughts on “A Few First Week Details

    • Thank you for reminding me of that! We should keep a something special at school for him in case there is a treat brought in for the class that he can’t have.

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