Thank you!

And that’s a wrap!
I am so proud of these boys and girls and feel so blessed to have been their teacher!  Wishing you all a wonderful summer!  To those who sent cards and gifts, thank you so much!  I felt spoilt with kindness ❤️

Last Day = Full Day

A few parents asked so I thought I’d clarify that tomorrow is a full day.  We will dismiss at 2:55 as usual.

Your child will be coming home with their Kindie scrapbook, the contents of their locker, and their final report card.

I will also have a small gift for them and would like them to come see me to get it  before they go home with you  so that we can say goodbye.

I have loved working with this group of Kindies and feel privileged to have been their teacher this year!  Wishing you all a wonderful summer holiday!


Diane Morris



Locker Clean Out

We will be doing a locker clean out tomorrow.  Could you please send a plastic shopping bag or two to school with your child tomorrow?  If you happen to have a large stash we’d love some extras.  Thanks!

Bag of Hard Work

Today your child will be coming home with a bag full of duotangs and other bits and pieces of their Kindie year.  Please take some time in the next few days to sit down with them and let them show you their work.  They should all be very proud of their effort and how much they learned this year!

Note: There is also a Father’s Day present inside the bag!


Bring a Stuffy to School (Tuesday)


Our class is counting down the days until summer break!

Each day our special helper cuts off a link on a countdown chain in our classroom and we read what our special treat will be for the day.  Last week we had lollipops at nap time, a go noodle party, sock day, bubbles and chalk, and  an eat lunch at any table day.  This is us on sock day:



On Tuesday of this week our treat will be “bring a stuffy to school”.   This requires a bit of advanced notice so I thought I’d give you a heads up so you know it’s legit when your child mentions it!

Thanks so much!



Gymnastics Fun


We had so much fun at Fraser Valley Gymnastix today!  Please enjoy the photos.  They were tricky to get because these kids were mooooving fast!  They should sleep well tonight!  (Also, sorry that some are sideways)


We had a quick visit to the Highroad Children Center this morning to see their sweet baby chicks before they go back to the farm!


Fun Day Help Needed

On Friday, June 10th, we have our annual Fun Day.   I am in need of 2 or 3 parent helpers to run a parachute station from 9:00-noon. Please email me at if you are available to help.  Thanks!