New Friend

We were so happy to welcome a new student to our class last week.  Tolu Aboaba joined us on Monday and has done an amazing job of fitting in and learning our classroom routines.  The boys and girls have been so friendly and helpful in showing their new classmate around.  Welcome, Tolu!  We are so happy you have joined our class!

100 Day

Our class has been counting the days of school.  Our last school day was #76.  That means that in a month’s time we’ll be celebrating the 100 Day!  To show our school spirit and to commemorate this special day our class is going to dress up like we are 100 years old.  Some of my friends were concerned that they wouldn’t have a costume to wear so I thought I’d throw out a few ideas to consider:


  • gray hair (spray or baby powder)
  • glasses
  • button down shirt
  • bow tie
  • cane
  • suspenders
  • cardigan
  • sweater


  • gray hair (spray or baby powder)
  • velcro rollers
  • scarf
  • glasses
  • purse
  • pearl necklace
  • dress or skirt and blouse
  • cardigan
  • cane

I hope that this gives you some ideas to work with.  I wanted to give you lots of time to pull something together.

Looking forward to celebrating 100 days of learning and fun!

Noon Dismissal

Just a quick reminder that this coming Friday is a half day and students will be dismissed at 11:45.

Thank you for your efforts to be punctual for pick ups!  None of us love to stand waiting in the rain or cold 🙂