Mystery Recipe

On Tuesday our class will be making a mystery recipe and we are asking each child to contribute an apple.  We will put all the ingredients into a special pot and then will try to guess what it will be.  At lunch when it is ready we will have a taste.  Don’t you just love mysteries?

Fall Colours

I hope you and your family have been able to get outside and enjoy this beautiful Fall weather we’ve been having.  The colours are amazing!  Our class will be exploring the colours of Fall this week.  Would you be able to send a Fall object to school with your child on Monday?  It could be a leaf from your yard, a pine cone, a mini pumpkin, a nut or ????  We will be sorting these items by colour this week.  Thank you!

School Picture Retakes

Monday is Pictures Retakes.  If you are wanting your child to have their photo retaken please have them check in with me on Monday morning then take them to the church foyer for 9am.  Remember to have them wear their full dress uniform.  If you are not able to stay we will make sure that someone accompanies your child.  If possible, please send along your original photo order form.  Thanks!