100 Day

Our class will be celebrating the 100th day of school next Monday!  It takes us part timers a lot longer to get to 100 than everybody else so we’re super ready to celebrate!  Your child came home last week with two letters, one asking you to help them create 100 piece collection and one asking you to bring an item for our 100 piece snack.  Thank you!  If you could have these at school by the end of this week that would help so much with our organization on the big day.

The children are also encouraged to dress up like they are 100 years old!  Here are a few ideas to get your creativity going:

grey hair (baby powder)

hair curlers



beaded necklace

bow tie



socks with sandals

We’ll want to capture the memories for sure on this one!  I’ll be taking photos during the day but am looking for someone to stay a few extra minutes at the start of the day to take some individual and group photos of the children in their costumes.  Please email me at dmorris@highroadacademy.com if you are available.  Thanks!


Next week I will be trading in great badges for one last prize from the prize box!  Any number of great badges will qualify, even just one!  Please bring great badges in a labeled envelope or baggie since our official great badge envelopes are in the process of being glued into scrapbooks at this point!  I will also be giving out prizes for completed (or partially completed) home reading charts!  Woo Hoo!

Kindie Grad

Can you believe this year is almost over?  Where has the time gone?  I cannot believe how much the children have learned this year.  We are so looking forward to celebrating our year of learning at our Kindergarten Graduation on Tuesday, June 19.  Outside the classroom is a snack sign up sheet.  Please take a look and see if there is something on the list you would like to bring.  We are planning to have a time of fun and snacks after our program is over.  We plan to begin the program at 9:30 in the Chapel but you will need to drop off your Kindie in the classroom at the usual time, 9 am.  They will be wearing a white gown for the ceremony and do not need to wear their uniform underneath.  Something cool and comfortable would be best.  The program should last about an hour and then you are invited to stay for refreshments and some photos, if desired.  Your child will be dismissed to leave with you when you are ready to go.


We have butterflies!  I couldn’t believe my eyes when I came back to our classroom and saw them fluttering around.  They were just tiny little caterpillars before I left.  Thankfully, the Kindies were able to explain the stages that caterpillars go through to become beautiful butterflies!  Feel free to come in and have a peek at our Painted Lady butterflies.  We will be releasing them in the HRA garden later on this week.