First Nations Day

Tuesday will be our first annual First Nations Day in the primary Department.  The children will rotate through each classroom during the course of the day to learn about various aspects of the First Nations culture: games, music, and art.  Students will also meet Mrs. Frieda George, an acclaimed Salish weaver, and will all contribute to a weaving project under her guidance.

Those students who Ordered bannock will get to try a special First Nations food for lunch.  Pizza will also be available to order in the morning.

It should be a fun day!  See you soon!

Spelling Words

I love this time of year in Kindergarten!  It’s so exciting to see how much the children have learned since the start of the year.  They’ve worked hard on printing letters and learning their sounds.  Now it’s time to use those sounds to make words!  Yay!  We  will be practising 5 spelling words each week.  Don’t worry.  There won’t be any test!  We just review our 5 words each day, stretching out the word to hear each sound.  Our 5 words this week are top, and, cat, red, & but.  We print them in our spelling duotang and also use magnets to spell them during centers.