Daily Archives: March 8, 2018
Bible Memory
We will take a little break from our verses this next week. We’ll resume our memory work after Spring Break!
Summer Uniform
During the months of April, May, and June (as well as September and October) Highroad students may wear summer uniform pieces. These include (for K-6) navy shorts (neat uniform brand only) and black, white, or brown sandals (must have a back strap). Please make sure there are not additional colours, patterns, lights, or pictures. Socks are optional. Having said that, it is a good idea to have an extra pair of socks in your child’s backpack for when they change into their gym shoes.
Now all we need is some warmer weather! Hopefully, that’s coming soon! brrrrrrrr
(mostly) April Dates
Here are a few upcoming dates to mark on your calendar. Thinking about April already…crazy!
Wednesday, March 14 – It has been recently decided to make this a Knight Day so children can wear knight t-shirts and casual bottoms.
Tuesday, April 3 – Back to School. Summer uniform in effect. Information to follow.
Tuesday, April 10 – First Nations Day K-3.
An order form for bannock hot lunch was sent home on Monday. It is due back by the end of next week. Please see the office if it didn’t make it home!
Tuesday, April 17 – PJ Day
Wednesday, April 18 – Grandparent’s Day
Tuesday, April 17- Thursday, April 19 – Scholastic Book Sale
Tuesday, April 24 – K-6 Service Day
Wednesday, April 25 – Knight Day
Wednesday, April 25 – Zones of Regulation Parent Seminar