Our Week

It sure was a short week for part time Kindies.  Even so, we were able to fit in a lot of great work and play!  We are now reviewing all 26 letters of the alphabet.  Our focus is on the sound (s) they make and how they are formed.  I have been working with small groups of students during “teacher time” and am very pleased with all the great efforts I am seeing.  We are trying to learn our own names using proper letter formation, using a capital first followed by lower case letters.  Hopefully, you have a set of phonogram cards at home and are able to support your child in this area at home.  The back side of the cards gives directions on how to form each letter.

We spent the first part of this month focussing on Bucket Filling, Remembrance Day, and a short inquiry on crows and where they go in the winter.  Now we are beginning a new theme on nocturnal animals.  I was surprised to find out how much the children already know on this topic!  They are obviously a well-read group of four and five year olds!  The boys and girls were interested in finding out if squirrels, foxes, deers, bears, and mice were nocturnal and how nocturnal animals could see when it’s dark at night.  We will explore these areas in the weeks ahead.  I hope to culminate our study of night animals with a pajama day celebration at the end of the month.  Details will follow!

Here are a few pictures taken during play time this afternoon.  Enjoy!


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