100 Day Details

Wow!  Today was our 87th day of Kindergarten.  We are getting very excited because soon it will be time for our 100 Day Celebration!  It will take place on Monday, February 26th.  Here are a few important details regarding this special day:


What will I look like when I am 100?  That is the question for the children to answer.  We are dressing up to show what we think we will look like when we are 100!  There are lots of ideas online if you are looking for some inspiration.


Students will be counting out 10 of each of the following 10 items to create a 100 piece trail mix.  If you can sign up for one of the following items to bring to class by February 16th that would be great.  Please let me know by email (dmorris@highroadacademy.com).  I will edit the list as we go along so check back to see what is still needed.

Trail Mix Ingredients:

fruit loops – Madlynn

chocolate chips – Nixon

pretzel sticks – Roman

m&m’s – Milo

gummy bears – Avery and Kenna

popped popcorn – Alex

mini marshmallows – Cherise

corn pop cereal – Mayleigh

skittles – Jean Luc

fishy crackers – Benjamin


On 100 day I am asking each child to bring in a collection of 100 small objects to show the class.  Please watch your child’s folder next week for more information.  Please send your 100 collection to school by Thursday, February 22


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