Two Days Left

Here we are at the end of our Kindergarten year.  I want to thank you for entrusting your child to me this year.  I have grown to love each one and am bursting with pride at how much they’ve grown this year!

I am so sad to see them leave my class and will miss them so much next year so make sure you remind them to come and say hi!

Tomorrow (Tuesday) we will be cleaning out our lockers.  If you can, send a plastic shopping bag along to hold your child’s pillow, gym shoes etc. I will also be sending home a bag filled with duotangs that contain your child Kindergarten work.  Please plan to sit down with your child sometime in the next few days and look through these duotangs with them.  I’m sure they will be proud to show you all of their hard work!

Wednesday will be our last day.  In the morning the K-3 classes will participate in Fun Day stations.  Your child can wear play clothes.  In the afternoon we will open up the door between our class and Mrs. Larsson’s and will enjoy some special playtime in both rooms!  We will dismiss at 2:55 for summer vacation!

Wishing you and your family a wonderful summer. God bless you and keep you.

with love,

Mrs. Morris

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