Dear parents,
Estimating and filling a big and small mitten with bears, playing Bingo with big numbers, finding, writing, and reading words from the -at family, singing Matth 5:16, playing with a big parachute, and making a bird feeder are just a few activities keeping us busy this past week. Maybe you have found a spot already for the bird feeder your child brought home on Wednesday.
Thank you Mr. Wagner for helping us making the pine cone bird feeders and thank you Chloe for collecting the pine cones for our class!

A few infos for you to know for the coming week.
Since we won’t be at school on the the actual Valentine’s day, we will have our class Valentine’s activities on the Wednesday, Feb 12th. We get to dress in red, pink, and white that day (the alternative is wearing the uniform). A class list has been sent home. If you want to send Valentine’s cards along with your child, please include all the students and send it on Wednesday as well.
I’m planning to make a friendship trail mix with the kids along with some other activities. If you can help by sending one of the ingredients along on Wed. would be appreciated. I will have a sign up sheet at the door on Monday for you to write your name beside the item that you are able to contribute. (Items to bring are: smarties mini packs, popcorn, mini marshmallows, teddy grahams, rice chex, valentine m&m’s, yogurt covered raisins, strawberries)
Upcoming dates:
February 17th – Family day, school closed
February 18th – Math Mayham 6:30-8 pm (the date I sent out last week has changed to this one)