We have been learning to print our numbers 1-9 (by tracing along dotted lines) and have been working on recognizing them too. The boys and girls are doing a great job with this! I will be sending home a blue number fluency page tomorrow. Please use this sheet to practice identifying numbers with your child. We won’t all be able to do that yet but, with practice, we’ll all get there soon! On the back of the page are the poems that we’ve been using to form our numbers. Thank you so much for supporting our learning at home!
Daily Archives: October 1, 2019
Bucket Filling
Today the K-3 classes had a special assembly in the chapel where we learned about “bucket filling.” The basic concept is that everyone has an invisible bucket. We can fill someone else’s bucket by doing or saying kind things. When we fill someone’s bucket we fill our bucket too and we feel happy. If we say or do unkind things we are being bucket dippers. When we dip from someone else’s bucket our bucket gets emptied too.
We also looked at the letters Y (you) – O (others) – J (Jesus) and found that when we arrange them in this order:
J (Jesus) – O (others) – Y (you)
It spells joy!