Plants and Butterflies

Your child came home yesterday with a plant,  a zinnia that we grew from seed in our classroom.  Zinnias like the sun so if you have a sunny spot in your garden it would be very happy there!

You may have already heard that we’ve had some excitement in our classroom these last two days.  Five of our butterflies have emerged from their chrysalises.  (I was beginning to worry.  This batch has had a few issues!)

 Sadly, one was not properly developed and did not make it but the other four seem to be happy and healthy.  Feel free to come in and see them if you’d like.  We will be releasing them next week when the weather improves.

June Dates

I can hardly believe that it’s almost June already!  This month ahead is full of fun.  Here are some dates to mark on your calendar:


Monday, June 10 – Kindie Teddy Bear Picnic (more information to come)

Tuesday, June 11 – Baby Photo – Could you please send in a baby photo of your child by this date?  Please send it concealed.  We will be guessing who is who as part of our “Look How We’ve Grown” year end discussions.

Friday, June 14 – Primary Fun Day (11:30 dismissal)

Note: Part time Kindies are invited to join us for this fun event.

Tuesday, June 18 – Kindie year end field trip (more information to come)

Wednesday, June 19 – Last day of school for Kindergarten students and our last Welcome Wednesday

Note: Please plan to be here if you can.  We will take a few minutes at the end to celebrate each one of our students on their last day of Kindergarten!

Pokémon Cards

We’d like to ask that Pokemon cards be kept at home to prevent distractions and disruptions in the classroom and on the playground. Thank you for your support in creating a conducive learning environment

Dress Code Reminder

As we welcome the arrival of warmer weather, we kindly remind everyone that on Friday Knight’s Day and casual field trip days, it’s important to ensure that casual shorts meet the school’s dress code. According to the uniform policy, all shorts should reach the length of the student’s extended fingertips when standing with arms flat against their sides.  For students in grades 3-6, please note that shorts not meeting this requirement will result in wearing gym strip shorts instead, and K-2 students will need a parent to bring in an appropriate pair of shorts. During this season, sandals in black, brown, grey, white, or a mix of these colours are suitable, but they must have a back strap for student safety during recess. Thank you for your cooperation and support in maintaining a respectful and appropriate dress code. 

Uniform Fit Day

We will be hosting a uniform fit day on Wednesday, May 15th in the church lobby from 1:00 – 5:00. This is a great opportunity for parents to ensure their children have the correct sizes for the upcoming school year. We will have McCarthy staff on hand to assist with fittings and answer any questions you may have. We look forward to seeing you there!

Class Pets

Last week we learned a very big word…oviparous!  It is what we call animals that lay eggs.  We also got a surprise delivery.  You may have already heard that we are now the proud owners of twelve cute little caterpillars!  We are going to be naming them soon.  It’s going to be fun to watch them grow and change in the days and weeks ahead.  Feel free to come into the classroom and see them!


Seesaw Feedback

You may have noticed that there was a bit of a lull in postings on the Seesaw app a few months back.  It is a time-consuming endeavour and I wasn’t sure how much interest there was for photos and updates.  I wasn’t getting much feedback.

If you do enjoy the app and like receiving pictures I would ask that you indicate by leaving a comment or even liking the post.  I do appreciate the feedback and it lets me know that the time spent uploading photos is worthwhile.

Thanks so much!

Music Machine

The primary students and Mrs. Shinness have been working hard and are excited to perform for you this coming Monday evening.  Doors will open at 6 pm and the concert begins at 6:30.  Please drop off your student in our classroom and head to the auditorium to get your seats.  The Kindies will be on the stage for their two songs then will sit together as a class to watch the rest of the program.  We will make our way back to our classroom after the performance.  You can pick them up there at the end of the evening.  Looking forward to a wonderful evening!