Hot Dog Lunch

Our school is sending a group of students on a missions trip to the Philippines on Spring Break.  They are raising money to purchase water filters for the community they will be visiting there.

On November 6th the missions team is offering a hot dog lunch.  Today is the last day to order.  If you are interested, you can order through the Munch a Lunch program on the school website.


November Dates

It’s not quite November yet but here are some important dates to keep in mind for the upcoming month:

Thursday, November 9 – Remembrance Day Ceremony 1:30 (more information to follow)

Friday, November 10 – Pro D Day

Monday, November 13 – Remembrance Day – No School

Wednesday, November 15 – Parent/Teacher Interviews 10:30-5:30 (no school for the children)

November 22 – Western Dress Up


Seesaw Communication

I believe everyone is signed up on Seesaw at this point.  Hopefully you are seeing new posts as they are added.  Some of you have been leaving comments.  Thank you!  I love hearing from you!  I am hoping that this will be a useful mode of communication between home and school.

Rain Gear

Please remember to send your child to school with jackets and footwear appropriate for this rainy season.  We do go outside as much as we can because the fresh air is so healthy.  We remind the  children to stay away from puddles if they’re not wearing rain boots.  It is difficult, though, to stay dry in regular shoes because our playground area becomes quite soggy.  Boots are really quite a necessary item at this point.  Some children will be coming home today wearing their gym shoes because their footwear got too mucky for the classroom this afternoon.

Please also make sure your child has an extra change of clothes (including socks) in their backpack or locker in case they should need to change into something dry.

Thanks so much!

Mystery (apple) Recipe

Next week we will be making a “mystery recipe” on Wednesday and will need each child to contribute an apple for this activity. Would you mind sending an apple to school by Tuesday?

I am also in need of a parent helper for this activity.  If you are available on Wednesday for an hour (max) at the start of the day please email me at

Thanks and have a great weekend!

Phonograms a-z

Today was a very exciting day in Kindergarten.  We have officially been introduced to all of the single letter phonograms, saying they’re sounds (some have 2 or 3) and printing them on our whiteboards each day!  This  does not mean that we KNOW them perfectly.  We will continue to review them in the weeks and months ahead.  It does mean that we are now ready to work on printing our own names using proper letter formations.  Yay!

I would like to encourage you to familiarize yourself with the Spalding Program we are using (if you are not already).  You can do this either by purchasing a set of phonogram cards through the link on the HRA website or by downloading two apps, Phonograms by SEI and Little Writer Tracing app.

A few minutes of review each day at home would be such a big help to your child and would set them up for a successful year.

Thank you for all you do!  You are very appreciated!

Bucket Filling

Today our class learned about “bucket filling.”  The basic concept is that everyone has an invisible bucket.  We can fill someone else’s bucket by doing or saying kind things.  When we fill someone’s bucket we fill our bucket too and we feel happy.  If we say or do unkind things we are being bucket dippers.  When we dip from someone else’s bucket our bucket gets emptied too.