PTK Monday and Wednesday for June update

Dear Parents,


I just sent you an email (with the same information) but wanted to reach you via this communication avenue as well, just to be sure that you have this update for the coming week.

The decision has been made for our PTK class to not divide our class, like the rest of the school, for the June school days (A-L Mo/Wed and M-Z Tu/Thu) but instead, we will keep the Monday and Wednesday for all the PTK students available to come to school.

  • This means that if your last name falls into the M-Z group, and you have siblings in the upper grades, and you choose to send your child to Kindergarten, unfortunately you will have to do more car rides back and forth.
  • If you choose to send your child just one of these days (Mo or Wed), that is an option for you as well.

Please still fill out the survey, once it comes your way from the HRA office.

If you already made your decision, it would help me out if you’d let me know by sending me a quick email ( stating either:

  • Yes, both days
  • Yes, Monday
  • Yes, Wednesday
  • No

as I plan to go into the school to rearrange our classroom tomorrow.

Thank you so much for your support.

clarifications for the ptk class

Dear Parents,


Thank you for your patience as we work through details in opening up the school again in June. There have been different messages around how this will look like for our part time kindie class.

A survey will come out today. Before you fill out the survey, you might want more information how this will look like for our class. I am having a meeting this afternoon with Mr. Morris and Mr. Hancock to come to a conclusion. Unless you already know for sure that you won’t send your child back, just hold off with filling out the survey, until I have more information for you.

Have a great day!