Pick up day and bag content

Dear families,

It was so great to connect with most of you over the phone yesterday and today and even hear some of your kids’ voices! Most video conference meetings are set up for next week and I will be emailing you a link to join the meeting. I also know that life happens and if you have something that interferes with this plan, just simply let me know and we can reschedule. We will be using the platform google meet for these video meetings.  I will have a practice time available tomorrow from 10am-12noon where you can try to join, by popping in and out, and see how it works. I will email you this link separately. Here is also a tutorial link if you want to familiarize yourself: https://www.google.com/search?q=how+to+help+parents+join+a+google+meet&rlz=1C1CHBF_enCA886CA886&oq=how+to+help+parents+join+a+google+meet&aqs=chrome..69i57.6393j0j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&safe=active&ssui=on#kpvalbx=_ISaGXprsLYX9-gTi25GAAQ31

I hope you all had a chance to go through the HRA drive thru to collect your child’s bag without fries 🙂 .

Here is a picture with the content of your bag (well, this one is Elliot’s), and some also have their child’s locker content in there, which made for a full bag with the big pillow and gym shoes.

Name -so that students can continue and practice to print their name, dry erase marker, crayons, pencil, eraser, cup with pea seeds and cotton balls on top for later in the month, sheet protector with a plain card stock paper and lined paper inside – this will also serve as a white board to practice letters and numbers etc., duo tangs and journal, plastic tray that we will be using for some math activities, marble maze just for fun for the busy little hands, ziplock bag with many little objects from sticks to shapes to wooden animals, beans, pasta and fabric pieces – we will be doing some math activities with these things (no toys for little children or pets!), a clear pouch with a variety of worksheets inside including stickers and a Dr. Seuss book log card.

The pouch with all the worksheets is for you parents to manage, as I will be referring to pages that you will find in there. Once a page is completed it can go into the corresponding duo tang: Math , Bible, or Everything Else (the kids are not used to add the pages into their duo tang themselves but maybe this will be a good environment to learn that skill of opening, adding a page and closing a duo tang with your help). The Printing duo tang will be a continuation of the letter printing practice of upper and lower case letters. The orange duo tang is new and will be introduced in a bit, not in the first weeks.

Maybe I will see you tomorrow as you test out your technology and I test it out on my end.

I usually sing Numbers 6:24-26 to your kids and now pray this over you all. The Lord bless you and keep you.