Hello Parents,
The snow days seem so long ago and we had 3 great days back in the classroom this past week. Before we are about to start another week I want to give you a quick review and update.
We had a fun trip to the Wayland gymnastics on Monday, using a variety of gym equipment we normally have no access to.
Thank you for your support in sending your kids to the grade 5s bake sale. They had a success in raising money and fun while doing it.
We learned some big words this week: Hibernating, migrating, adapting. Since we have never seen a bear or goose at Walmart buying some winter clothes, we explored a bit more what some animals do during the cold winter.We also took time to reflect on what we learned so far in kindergarten by looking through our own duo tangs. (Just in case you were wondering why I sent home a gingerbread booklet, let me explain: Going through all our work, the kids came across their very own and loved ginger bread booklet and as you may know, this story was a big hit 🙂 Since I had some extra booklets, some students took an extra one to continue the fun at home). Enjoy the pictures below with the ‘How many bears are in the cave’ math game and the self reflection time.
I found two little bear cubs in our very own bear cave
Here some things for the coming week:
Tuesday is Pajama Day. Kids can wear their comfy pj’s to school. If they choose not to wear their pj they wear their regular uniform.
Wednesday, report cards should be all ready for you to take home.