Garage Sale Fundraiser

As a primary department we have been looking for ways for our children to give back and to serve their community, and this year we have decided that we will hold a Garage Sale! The Garage Sale will be held at the beginning of December, so between now and then we are looking for our primary families to donate any toys or games that they no longer want. So, as you think about cleaning up and clearing out your playroom before Christmas, consider what you can donate. Donations may be given to classroom teachers. Please only send items that work, and that are in good condition. The money we raise will be donated to the Ann Davis House.


Popcorn Party!

For the last few weeks our class has been working on building our “read to self” stamina.  We have talked about the 3 ways to read: 1) read the words 2) read the pictures and 3) retell a familiar story.  We have also talked about our rules for “read to self’ time: 1) find your spot quickly 2) stay in your spot 3) read quietly and 4) read the whole time.  The first time we tried we only lasted 40 seconds!  But, we’ve kept trying and…today we met our goal of 15 minutes!  So, tomorrow we will celebrate with a movie (Franklin) and popcorn!  Yay!  Well done, Kindies!