Pocket Check Alert!

Today we talked about “sprinkling kindness like confetti” and, of course, this involved the sprinkling of confetti in our classroom.  At first I was worried about it making a big mess for our janitor to have to clean up but your children are amazing confetti collectors!  They each were allowed to keep any confetti that they found but were asked to put it in their pockets for the rest of the day.  So, if you’re doing laundry any time soon (of course you are…you have kids and it never ends!) you might want to do a quick pocket check!

SWR Parent Seminar

Remember tomorrow is our Spell to Write and Read parent seminar after school (3:15-4:15).  It’s been three years since we last offered one of these sessions so you won’t want to miss it!  Come learn about phonograms and spelling rules so that you’ll have a better sense of what your child/children are learning at school.  Childcare will be provided but we would like to have a sense of how many children to expect.  So, if you haven’t already signed up please do so after school or send me a quick email letting me know the number of children and their ages.  I hope to see you there!